
Oliver Huang

I'm a


  • School: University of Toronto
  • Degree: M.Sc in Computer Science
  • Advisor: Carolina Nobre
  • Area: Data Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, CS Education, Machine Learning

About Me

First-year Master's student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto. I am a member of DGP Lab and HIVE Lab. I am conducting my research under the guidance of Prof. Carolina Nobre in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction, Data Visualization, AI, and Computer Science Education. My work focuses on designing, building, and evaluating engaging and effective computational learning experiences. Specifically, I've specifically delved into:

  • Crafting interactive visualizations that enhance comprehension and retention of complex data.
  • Designing scalable and personalized learning tool to enhance user engagement and understanding
  • Using Large Language Models (LLMs) to develop self-paced learning experiences.